Rodent Control & Extermination for Racine

Trusted Rodent Control from Local Experts

Racine residents turn to Ehlers Pest Management, a veteran-owned local company, for effective rodent removal and control. We provide the safest, most thorough rodent extermination services in Racine and specialize in treating and eliminating rodent infestations in homes and businesses across southeast Wisconsin. Our pest control experts use eco-friendly methods to get rid of mice, rats, voles and other unwelcome rodents.

Comprehensive Rodent Solutions for Your Property

Ehlers Pest Management is committed to delivering rodent-free living and working environments. Our rodent control process starts with a thorough inspection of your property by a certified pest specialist. We identify exactly which rodents are present, how they entered and where they’ve settled. We then customize a treatment plan using advanced, safe rodent elimination techniques and products. We seal up entry points, set humane traps and take all necessary steps to rid your property of rodents for good. You can trust our local pros to provide lasting extermination and outstanding customer service.

Rodent Exterminators in Racine, WI

How to Identify a Rodent Infestation

Early signs of rodent infestations can be subtle, but it’s important to notice the signs as quickly as possible to prevent the infestation from spreading.

  1. Gnawed Wood & Plastic - Mice and rats will forage through walls and insulation, leaving holes in walls, gnawed wood, and chewed plastic.
  2. Chewed Electrical Wiring - A more pervasive rodent infestation would present itself with chewed electrical wires inside the walls of your house.
  3. Droppings and Nests - Mice and rats will build their nests out of soft materials found inside the walls of your house and will leave droppings everywhere.
  4. Soft skittering at night - Late at night or during silent moments, you may be able to hear the soft skittering noises of rodents making their way through the walls and ductwork.

By carefully watching and staying aware of the early signs, you can take care of a rodent infestation before it becomes a complete invasion.

Other Commonly Treated Pest Problems

Experiencing unwanted Pests? Ehlers has you covered. Select the pest(s) you're dealing with below and request a solution.

Why You May Have a Rodent Infestation

Rodent infestations can be an ongoing nuisance for homeowners and business owners in Racine and throughout southeastern Wisconsin. Mice, rats and other rodents are active all year and constantly searching for food and shelter. Kitchens and pantries with accessible crumbs, spilled ingredients and open packages are magnets to draw them into your buildings. Cracks in your building’s foundation, holes where pipes or wires enter buildings and debris such as tree branches touching roofs or siding can give rodents easy access.

Once they find their way in, they establish paths to and from the nests they build inside walls, under floors and in attics. To deter rodents, thoroughly clean up any food spills, store human and pet food in sealed metal or thick plastic containers, repair structural gaps, install wire mesh over vents and clear away any outdoor items rodents could use to get onto the roof or into walls.

Reasons to Immediately Combat Your Rodent Infestation in Racine

For households and businesses in Racine and throughout Southeastern Wisconsin, addressing a rodent infestation right away is imperative. If not handled promptly, rodents can rapidly multiply, causing property damage, electrical fires and disease transmission. Rodents are known carriers of dangerous pathogens like hantavirus, salmonella and E. coli. The Wisconsin climate encourages rodent activity, so it’s vital to act fast to prevent a minor issue from becoming a major headache. Contact Ehlers Pest Management, we have the expertise to identify the rodent species, evaluate the extent of the infestation and implement effective, eco-friendly treatments suited to the situation. DIY approaches often fail, so expert intervention is the prudent choice for lasting results. Protect your home or business and health - get professional help eradicating rodents.

Contact Ehlers Pest Management online to schedule an inspection. 
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Thank you for your service

Ehlers Pest Management would like to thank all active and retired military service members for their service to our country!

Ehlers Pest Management - Protecting Wisconsin businesses, homes and families since 2010.